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Production: Unit 20 Project  |   2024   |   Digital Media

This TV advertisement was created for my charity campaign idea for my Unit 20 project. The brief intended was to produce three media products including of an Instagram advert, Social Media advert and a TV advert for a new charity. The TV advert had to attract the audience in order to get the charitable aim out there to raise awareness about the cause.

I created this TV advertisement through Microsoft Clip Hamp. I gathered all videos that I wanted to use in my advert and placed them in an according order that aligned with the voiceover and sounds placed in the advert. The process was quite complicated as I had to ensure that the advert did not exceed the time limit of a TV advert which is typically between 30-45 seconds. Editing the TV advert I had to make sure that my videos were placed in certain intervals of a couple of seconds to flow throughout the advert. I also included transitions at the end in my post-production process to allow the videos to make an appearance in an attractive way to enhance attraction of the mass audience being exposed to the advert.

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